life on monday

photo 1 photo 2 photo 3its a common theme to hate mondays. and while i adore the spontaneous lovely weekend there is something about making lists + checking them off.

this monday i went to lunch with my sweet sister in law. not only is she insanely pretty (let me tell you about blue eyes and brown hair {swoon}) but she radiates light. she leaves in May to spread the gospel to the hearts of cali.

as a convert i respect her so much for this decision | we chatted over curried noodles + i got a little more sad that she is leaving.

on the way home i think heavenly father decided to bless me for absorbing her goodness. i decided to take the backroads past our house and what do i see… RUE.

on the porch. OUTSIDE.

my heart dropped at the thought of her running away.

happy monday.

ooh and i got new boots.