holy junk its spring

well life has just been scootin’ right along and leaving me in the dust. all of a sudden its summer (well i hear from the news its supposed to be winter again here soon) but i mean thats utah, right?



life has been a big cluster of events + i cant even keep up with them in my own mind or body let alone take pictures and blog about them; but ill try my best! parks sister is preppin for her mission to california and we could not be more excited/proud/blessed! she is .. a light + an inspiration. anyway, ill try and hold back my sappiness but can i say .. conference you did realllll nice this year. i only zonked out in 2 talks (personal record) and I even thought about taking some notes (on paper, not just mentally). on a serious note general conference really was moving, inspiring + just what i needed to spring my soul out of that gloomy winter. (my fave talk – Holland is such a boss)

we were lucky enough to spend the weekend with some of parkers family up at pineview lake in a cabin. i just adore cabins, there is something about the rustic decor and freedom to curl up in a cozy blanket that makes me swoon. we had reckless adventures with hatchets, bows + arrows and rifles (im sort of nervous about guns but im slowly getting over that). and we ate a lot.. as is normal with our family, mostly fudge.


we also got to see the ravishing miss montgomery turn into mrs fiscus! such a perfect day; and speaking of weddings the super awesome taylor ballam got our wedding video done (i just die over it so excuse my oversharing)

<p><a href=”http://vimeo.com/63133719″>Felica + Parker</a> from <a href=”http://vimeo.com/ballamfilms”>Ballam Films</a> on <a href=”http://vimeo.com”>Vimeo</a&gt;.</p>

we have also made a big decision; park + i will be moving to the san diego area this june for a new big boy job (boom. take that college). i couldnt be more stoked for sunshine and proud of my sugar daddy.

im also semi getting the hang of this nannying thing. though the giant 2 year old poop diapers still make me dry heave, oh and the bloody boogers.


-always, felica

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